Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chapter Vocabulary

  • Totalitarian -Exerts complete control over its citizens, In a totalitarian individuals have no rights and the government suppresses all opposition.
  • Fascism - Stressed nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of individuals.
  • Nazism -The german brand of facism was based on extreme nationalism.
  • Neutruality Acts - The first two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war. The third act was passed in response to the fighting in Spain.
  • Appeasement - Giving up principles to pacify an aggressor.
  • Nonagression pact - Russia and Germany committed never to attack each other.
  • Blitzkrieg - made uses of advances in military technology such as fast tanks and more powerful aircraft to take the enemy by suprise and then quickly crush all opposition with overwhelming force.
  •  Holocaust- The systematic murder of 11 million people across europe more than half of whom were jews. 
  • Kristallnacht - "night of Broken Glass' 
  • Genocide - The delibirate and systematic killing of an entire population.  
  • Ghettos - Segregated jewish areas in certian polish cities.  
  • Concentration Camps - Labor Camps where they were imprisoned. 
  • Axis Powers  - Germany, Italy and Japan joined to become known as the Axis Powers. 
  • Office of Price Administration (OPA) – Established August 18, 1941 the functions of the OPA was originally to control money and rents after the outbreak of World War 1. It fought inflation  by freezing wages, prices, and rents. It also rationed foods, such as meat, butter, cheese, vegetables, sugar and coffee.
  • War Production Board – The purpose of the board was to regulate the production of materials and fuel during World War II in the United States the board converted and expanded peacetime industries to meet war needs, allocated scarce materials vital to war production, established priorities in the distribution of materials and services, and prohibited nonessential production
  • Department of the Treasury – Issued war bonds to raise money for the war effort and to fight inflation. The government collected 16.7 billion dollars worth of bonds, they had one catch to the bonds. They weren’t allowed to be cashed for 40 years.
  • Revenue Act of 1942 – Increased individual tax rates, increased corporate tax rate, Raised the top personal-income tax rate 88% and added lower and middle income Americans to the income tax rolls.
  • Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act (1943) –This was an American law that was passed in the year of 1943. It overthrew President Roosevelt’s veto. This legislature was created after 400,000 coal miners went on strike. The act allowed the government to seize and operate industries/buissness that were involved with a strike or had a threat of a strike. 
  • Rationing: Rationing in addition t, to the OPA set up a system for rationing, or establishing fixed allotments of goods deemed essential for the military.  

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